When buying a turtle, it is necessary first of all, understand that this is a living being, not just a fun toy for children. Turtles are not very beautiful, do not know how to cuddle or play, but it does not mean that they can mistreat or do not feed for days. For a turtle to care, as well as for every pet. Red-turtle Most often in our house are red-turtle. Like all turtles, they live a long time: not less than 30 years in good conditions. But an untrained and irresponsible owner can shorten the life of a turtle up to 2-3 years. Red-water turtles are, they need only contain a spacious aquaterrarium. Thus, the need for a turtle tank 100-150 liters. Although the red-turtles spend almost all the time in the water, they need land, where they could relax and take a walk. Some owners of turtles is limited by the fact that sticks to the plastic wall of the aquarium island. But this is not an option. Turtle is difficult to climb on it, for it will be much easier to gradually rising slope. Sloping Beach should be fairly coarse, so it is easy to turtle claws clung to him. The shops sell special islands for turtles, they meet all necessary requirements (downhill slope, rough surface, a large area of "land"). The surface of the land must be large enough - at least a quarter of the total area of the aquarium. You will easily give the turtle food on the island, where she will go to get warm. The water in the tank with a turtle needs to be changed completely once a month. The water is preferably pre defend. Turtles need heat. Therefore, set on an island of the lamp. Since the lamp we will have a heat source, MirSovetov recommend to buy an ordinary incandescent bulb - just heat it is wonderful. Moreover, the light bulb is so similar to the sun. If the lamp will always warm the island, there is no need to heat the water, the turtle will always be able to get out and warm up on the island. MirSovetov recommends: the island has to be at a level of 30 cm from the edge of the aquarium if it is too close to the edge of the most nimble tortoise will certainly try to escape Feeding the turtles Red-turtles eat with pleasure, and bloodworms, and minced meat and pelleted feed. However, to eliminate the deficit turtles need calcium boiled fish (let the fish with small bones, do not be afraid, they do not choke). Try not to give them a fatty fish such as capelin, anchovy, mackerel. Meat should not be the main food. Turtles "educated" on the meat will inevitably suffer from rickets. The diet of the young turtles have red-dominant animal feed, and with age to prefer vegetable types of food. Before reaching the age of two turtles are fed every day, and those that are older, you can feed 2-3 times a week. How to make food? First, put the food from the water's edge. When the turtle will get used to, start to feed her on the island, putting food in a saucer of water. If your aquaterrarium planted algae, turtles will eat them. That they have not experienced a lack of plant feed, give them lettuce, cabbage and a variety of young pond algae. Not zabyvyte that turtles can eat small aquarium fish, so feed them on time. If the turtle claws had grown too - trim them with nail clippers. Beak trim is not necessary, because your turtle predator and the sharp edge of the beak it is necessary for tearing food. Central Asian tortoise This kind of turtle is the land. They are quite large - 1.8 kg weight, carapace length of 15-25 cm carapace color varied from light tan to dark olive. In nature, the Central Asian tortoise burrows and actively moving only two or three months of the year. Therefore, when the content of her at home need to create a spacious cage, which will be continuously monitored temperature and humidity levels. In this cage turtle can live for years without any disease. However, more often it simply allowed "to travel around the apartment. The fact that the turtle can not contain the "at ease", let it live on the floor in the room, you run the risk of stepping on it at night, she can catch a cold from the draft and the random die. In addition, the Central Asian turtles to dig - and dig what they find - garbage on the floor, rugs, slippers ... So it is better cage. It turtle can choose for themselves places with a low or high temperature, a wet or dry. As for the red-turtle in a terrarium set the lamp, the temperature on the mat under the lamp +25-28 C. In summer, the turtle must walk. Let go of the sun, but make sure that it is not eaten anything and was not hit by a car. It is best to keep a turtle in a cage (what it is, the better, the minimum size of the enclosure 1 x 1,5 m), where she will be able to dig into his own pleasure, and hide in the shadowy corners, just like in nature. But do not forget that the tortoise burrows up to 2 meters deep, so that the walls of the enclosure will have to bury at least half a meter. Clean the cage should be a once a month. Each week, changing the water in the trough and partially replace the soil. And once a month, completely change the litter, wash the walls of the cage with soap and water. To the turtle does not hurt, while cleaning the cage was washed with disinfectant solution such as Betadine. Central to feed turtles need a rough plant food - tough grass, cabbage, carrots, beets. The food is placed in a manger and a half to two hours, after which the uneaten food should be discarded, and the wash trough. Features of the care of the land turtle Land turtles periodically shed. Only change the skin on the legs and head. At this time we must atone for the turtle in warm water with a spoon of soda. After bathing, skin smeared with oil. In addition, MirSovetov would like to draw your attention to that to maintain cleanliness in the care of a turtle and be sure to include a swimming once a week. To do this, type in the water bath (t +30 C) and plant the turtle back. The water should cover it only a third. Gently wipe the turtle with soap and water, making sure that the soap did not fall into her eyes. "Soak" in the bath the turtle should be no more than an hour, after which it must be dry. In order to strengthen the shell can lubricate it after swimming with olive oil. At the corners of his mouth sometimes dry turtle food debris. They need to be carefully washed off during bathing. If you keep your turtle properly, its claws and beak will always be the norm. But if the food and litter is too soft, beak and talons the turtle will grow strongly. In this case, they need to be cut. Take a look at the foot tortoise to the light - you'll see that the tips of her nails are transparent and have no blood vessels. These tips can be removed. But do not try to do it the usual pair of scissors, you will need wire cutters. -Growth region of the beak is also biting forceps, and uneven edge trim sawing. Bog turtles They are widely distributed in central Russia, and often come into our homes directly from the mother standing pond. The color of the shell can be dark olive, almost black. It requires a low cage (height 30 cm) c land (over land needed light to the turtle could bask) and the aqueous part. The height of water is small, about 20 cm turtles eat and defecate in the water, so it must be changed frequently. The purer the water, the healthier your turtles. Bog turtles - predators, feeding them useless cabbage. In the summer, give them snails, mollusks, earthworms, large moth. Feed the marsh turtles need at least 1 time per week. They are very intelligent and easy to learn stick your head out of the water to grab food. You can even teach them to take food out of the pool, but to eat it, they still run away into the water, so instinct tells them to. Watch them very interesting: if you give the turtle a whole small fish, she will turn her head to him and swallow. And if the fish is too large, the turtle will break it into smaller pieces. Be careful - their jaws are very strong, untamed turtle will not fail to bite you. But if you do not hurt them, turtles quickly become accustomed to the owner, are beginning to poke their heads in greeting from the water when it appears. To trim the beak and claws bog turtle is not necessary. Even a very long claws for it is not a hindrance, because it is a predator and prey tearing only with claws. You can not ... Do not keep any tortoises without additional heating. Do not feed the turtles one kind of food. Only the plant or just a live feed is equally defective. Harmonious "menu" should consist of a combination of plant and animal feeds. You can not have red-and other aquatic turtles in an aquarium without the land (it can drown). You can not keep a terrarium turtles of various sizes, both in principle and it is impossible to put together a number of males - a fight is inevitable. And finally, you can not cook turtles in the same pot as the others. And do not forget about personal hygiene after contact with a turtle.
Keep the turtle is not very difficult, just need to take care of it and do not forget that it is the same creature as we are with you.