Recently, more and more common to see groups of young people with planks on four wheels around any monument. Skateboarding - very entertaining and booming kind of extreme sports, conquering more and more fans. But MirSovetov more than confident that few people know where the skateboard came ... History of Skateboard And it was created, as it may seem, California surfers in 1958. It was a simple surfboard with wheels screwed to it. Turn on it was practically impossible, and they just rode with the slides. Therefore, this board quickly tired of surfers. But in 1971, Richard Stevenson from Los Angeles, improved skate. Board has received an entirely new form - bent tail and a slightly curved edge. It became possible to control the board, rotate. The most important event in skateboarding happened in 1975: in Del Mar held its first competition in the skate of this size (about 400 people gathered). But the revived skateboarding only two people: Ollie Dzhelfand who learned to make known to all skateboarder trick "Ollie", which is the basis of all tricks, and Rodney Mullen, invented on the basis of "Ollie" a wide variety of tricks that are now considered basic. Everywhere there were skaters, started building skate parks. In the 80 years for various reasons, some in California and other states began to close the skate park. This led to the fact that skaters took to the streets, thereby zazyvaya more and more people nekatayuschihsya. Began to appear a lot of companies and brands that sell skate equipment. Began to open a lot of skate shops, offering all the variety of skate goods. In Russia, at the moment, a lot of young people to skateboard. Choose a Skateboard Choosing a skateboard - it is absolutely simple, but it must be treated seriously, it affects, how long will your board, and, perhaps, and your health. Now in stores represented a variety of skate equipment, that the eyes diverge. Each and every skater chooses for himself some firms producing boards and other parts of the skateboard, which he trusted, or that he just likes. To begin with, the whole assembly is called a skateboard komplitom (complete). Deck Board skateboard deck called. Its curved ends are called nouz (nose) and Tail (tail) - front and back, respectively. The deck is made of a certain number of layers of maple (the most frequent - 7, less common 9-ply, even rarer - to 6-ply) is strongly pressed and glued between each other. Some have decks below and one additional plastic layer (Slick) needed to slip on the rails. But MirSovetov recommends that we consider that when choosing a deck, you get a heavier skateboard. And whether it's you, if you're just starting out or do not plan to do soon Extreme riding? Probably not. The quality of the adhesive depends on how fast the deck begins to flake. The length of the deck in the middle - 80 cm. Its width is different - from 19 to 21. The narrow boards easier to spin tricks (flips). On the broad deck easier to land after successfully performing tricks. Also in December there is a so-called concave (concave) - a side bends, facilitating the execution of the above mentioned flips. The depth of these folds also varies from board to board. Each board has a different elasticity that affects the height of a jump on it (when performing any stunt is called a "click" the edge of the board on the ground, resulting in plaque as it springs from the ground). The most popular and reliable company: Zero, Toy Machine, Zoo York, Santa Cruz, World Industries, and many others. When buying a deck MirSovetov recommends carefully to see if it is not stratified anywhere. It is also important not to buy "dry" deck, which is lying on the debt stock / store. These boards are very quickly broken. And yet - the deck weighs less, so, again, it's easier to do tricks on a skateboard. On the deck is glued skin - gripteyp (griptape). This is an ordinary sandpaper, only more resistant to wear and adhesive base. It is necessary that the feet are not "walking" across the board. Suspension (truck) Go to the bottom deck bolted suspension - trucks (trucks). Between the deck and are usually borne Tracians gum to protect the deck from the load. Pendants are distinguished with their weight and strength. Naturally, the thicker the suspension will be the stronger, but the weight of the skateboard will be more. We advise to comply with one simple rules when collecting his skateboard: it is important to select the tracks so that the wheels were completely under the board and not sticking to the side. The most popular companies: Krux, Independent, Bullet. Wheels On the suspension put on skateboard wheels. Wheels vary in diameter and stiffness. In general, the diameter is not important, more important rigidity. Soft wheels keep the bad rate, but they are nice to drive, they transmit less vibration and manage the skate wheels on these easier. Although a higher coefficient of friction of soft wheels have a downside - by friction, they wear faster, and get up to speed quickly falls. Hard - on the contrary, well-kept speed, but driving them is not very nice - Skateboard vibrates. So soft is better to take the wheel for driving in the ramp, and tough - to be ridden on the street or in a park. Bearings When putting the wheels on the inside of the suspension are put bearings - 2 in each wheel. In skateboarding, as well as in commercials, using standard bearings ABEC. There are different speed bearings. The most common - ABEC 3, ABEC 5 and ABEC 7. If you search well, you can find more ABEC 1 and ABEC 9. The rate is proportional to the figure bearing the name - the larger the number, the more their speed.
That seems to have listed all the parts of a skateboard, and gave him to help ... I will say that a beginner it is best to choose it among the first ready-made skateboards (komplitov). Just because it is difficult to decide for themselves first - what do you want to skate how you want to ride where and how much. Do not take Chinese board, as it significantly slows down your learning skating on a skateboard - they are wider, they have less or no concave at all, they have a pretty weak click, they rapidly exfoliate, etc. Be sure to choose your first skateboard in a specialty store where the salesperson understands the consultant will explain everything to you and show and tell you the specific product. And as always MirSovetov strongly discourages saving, as it then affect the term of life of the product, in this case, a skateboard. Good luck with your purchase, and success in figure skating!