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All of the products with GMO
We all heard about genetically modified organisms. Unheard-of hype around GM raised in recent years. At each corner of the unprecedented dangers of talking about GMOs that products containing GMOs, it is very dangerous to eat. MirSovetov tried to find out today will tell you everything you need to know about each GMO.
What are GMOs and why they are needed
Genetically modified organisms - these organisms in the genetic code have been "glued" foreign genes. Before the eyes of the laboratory appears clearly Frankenstein, who, armed with a microscope, furiously cuts and glues the smallest particles of the cells. Gloomy, is not it?
What are GMOs in substance. Here are some examples. In some gene potato we all loved "add" gene scorpion! Result: we got potatoes, which do not eat any insects. Or this: in tomato and strawberry gene is introduced polar plaice, now these cultures are not afraid of cold. Why would we? The answer is obvious - the scientists decided to save earthlings from hunger. In principle, the right, after all these tomatoes can be grown even in the extreme north, and potato crops will not suffer and fall through the efforts of the ubiquitous Colorado beetles. And, you can make this apple tree that will bear fruit the same size apples, and they, moreover, will smell, until I finally rot. Or are all the same tomatoes, beautiful, correct form, dolgohranyaschiesya. Easy! And you can add in the rice gene that produces vitamin A, which used to have cereal was not. Why do we drugstore vitamins, so they - natural. In general, came to the point that a slight movement of the hands of scientists increased the yield of many crops, their resistance to pests, improve the other "good" quality of plants. But as you know, good intentions ... And if breeders had achieved such results for decades, but now this is spent a year or two.
The most common GM crops - is soy, corn, wheat, sugar beet, tobacco, cotton, canola (oil plant), potatoes, strawberries, and vegetables.
Benefit or harm?
Me, a man far removed from biology is very disturbing fact of crossing, roughly speaking, palm trees and the rhinoceros, that is, the different species. Nature is very subtle thought of everything, and people trying to "break" the whole scheme. Think of the school course in zoology such a thing as the food chain. Herbivore eats the grass, a small carnivore eats a herbivore, carnivore eats a big baby. All is clear, and here in this centuries-functioning ecosystem, and interferes with a person crosses the grass, for example, the fish, then this is the pot no one can. Extinct herbivore, followed - predators. Or mutate, and who knows what's even better. In both cases, to predict exactly what will happen next is simply not possible. But genetics obstinately cut and glue, cut and glue.
Together with the invention of GMOs are born and never-ending disputes of learned men of all mankind on the consequences that such manipulation of the genes may lead. This whole situation is very similar to the history of UFOs. Which is about ten years, thousands of witnesses trying to tell about the extraterrestrial visitors, and run into the wall of a clear "no" on the part of scientists. In essence, we regular folk do not get almost any information. Same thing with GM. Some shouted "harmful, unnatural, unstudied," others insist - "useful and necessary." Who to believe? And all this to someone simply good. I'll try to explain what is called "the fingers".
Who will benefit the production of GMOs? Of course consumers of such materials. After a ton of "normal" wheat is worth about $ 300 a ton of transgenic wheat - $ 40-50. Imagine what kind of savings. Manufacturers of such raw materials is also a loser does not remain. By enhancing the properties of some crops (resistance to pests) significantly reduced the cost of their cultivation, respectively, reduced cost and increased competitiveness.
And here's another version. Basically, all GM plants "inoculate" the property of resistance to pests. Imagine if the whole planet will be the usual fruits and vegetables, how much damage will incur companies that produce pesticides? Yes, they just disappear!
Here is a simple arithmetic. Why is silence scientists, governments in many countries, the Ministry of Health? Perhaps their "placate" the producers. That's how we live and eat and get sick.
Law and GMOs
Europe has long been a norm GMO content in foods - no more than 0.9%, Japan - 5% in the U.S. - 10%. Moreover, in many countries labeling of GMOs are strictly reserved.
In early February 2009 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted the same procedure for registration of products with GMOs. All imports must now undergo appropriate examination, and on the border. In case of excess production in the European standard GMO content 0.9% - it will be refused entry. By the way, was only previously banned imports of baby food with GMOs, but still many independent samples of food for the cubs established fact of the presence of GM additives in it.
In fact, it appears that Ukraine imports and GMO content in foods is simply ignored, resulting in the markets of the country turned into a cesspool of unclaimed transgenic products throughout Europe. Therefore, the Ukrainians have to be extremely careful and cautious in the choice of food.
Our neighbors, the Russians realized it before, and now in Russia, the law governing the mandatory labeling of products containing GMOs in quantities greater than 0.9%. In the opposite case - a fine, penalty, and until the closing of the company (by court).
In Europe, too, operates a mandatory labeling, there the buyer decides whether to buy him a cheap meal, but with a GMO, or shell out for products with no transgene. And in Russia, and Ukraine, and she and other products is the same ...
By the way, in Europe there are already products of the so-called «organic», which are environmentally friendly and are subject to strict control at all stages of production. We were on such can only dream of.
Another paradox. Products with GM originally planned as food for the poor countries of Africa. So these poor countries has been five years since banned the import of GMO products. Apparently, they decided it was better to starve ...
The consequences of the use of GMO products
To say officially that GMOs are harmful, no one can. Most often used the term as "potentially dangerous". Why not? To make a statement about the dangers of GMOs should spend a long and extensive research and experimentation. But for some reason they do not spend. Perhaps it is beneficial to someone, but it's not the point. As of today, scientists have set out just some of the consequences of the theory.
Transgene itself, eaten by man, no visible injury does not, because to fit into the genetic code of people can not. It can only wander through the body and induce the synthesis of proteins. It seems to be okay, but that these proteins themselves are not characteristic of the human body, that is not provided by nature. And what can result is such a synthesis, and the damage that can cause these proteins remains to be seen.
The use of GMO products can cause allergic reactions, though by no means harmless. For example, in the U.S., where GM-free foods are eaten, allergy affects about 70% of the population. In Sweden, where such products are banned, only 7%. This is hardly a coincidence.
The consequence of ingestion of transgenic foods is also a violation of the structure of the gastric mucosa, the emergence of antibiotic-resistant intestinal microflora.
Another consequence may be reduced immunity of the organism (70% of the human immune system - in the gut), and metabolic disorders.
GMO foods can trigger cancer. Transgenes tend to be embedded in the genetic apparatus of microorganisms of the intestine, and this is a mutation. It is known that cell mutations lead to the development of cancer cells.
All of the above effects are not guaranteed when eating GMOs. There is a certain risk of developing such diseases. In order to prove the consequences of the use of GMO products must be 40-50 years. Considerable time will agree. Therefore, in order not to amass a disease problems and will not be extra careful when choosing a food. While many scientists involved in this issue, say that in comparison with food containing preservatives, flavorings and colorings, food with GMOs altogether harmless. And that offer potential for a GM micro-organisms that interact with the intestinal microflora.
Advice to consumers
By the beginning of this chapter, many readers have made the choice for yourself - eat foods with GMOs or not. For those who decided to take care of himself, a few tips.
Go tell that to identify GMOs in food products is possible only in special laboratories. On the eyes, smell or touch will not do. What can you do to us customers. Before going to the store or supermarket, you know that 40% of the products sold there contain GMOs.
Most GMOs found in sausage products (85%), and find hot dogs or sausage without the transgene - it is almost a miracle. Particularly dense saturated genetically modified soy sausages and boiled sausages, sausages. By the way, teeming with a variety of transgenic and semi-finished products - meat dumplings, pasties, crepes. Top ravioli "Levada" and "Three Bears", and most manufacturers of sausages found to be using GMOs.
The Board of MirSovetov. Cook the meat products themselves! And not only meat! Buy meat in the market and their home raduyte goulash, meatballs or homemade pilaf. Or at least do not eat sausages on a regular basis!
In second place on the content of GMOs has settled baby food. 70% of all child nutrition in the Ukraine contains GM ingredients. And know that in a jar with a delicious sauce containing the transgene is practically impossible, because the label did not write about it. Among the manufacturers who do not disdain the use of GM ingredients Nestle and Danone, Similac. Now you think, is it good for your baby's well-known "Rastishka." And it is children under 4 years of the least protected from the effects of transgenes.
The Board of MirSovetov. As it is not awful sounds, try to do without the use of baby food. Breastfeeding, pamper pyureshkami of fresh fruits and vegetables. By the way, any fruit compote much more useful "canned" juice. But if you still have to buy clover and mixtures of the above products, avoid brands.
The third position in the confectionery and bakery products. GM soya has generously added to biscuits and chocolate, flour, candy and ice cream sodas. Identification of such additives for the average person is impossible. True, the bread that does not get stale for a long time - absolutely contains transgenes. Among the companies implicated in the use of GMOs Greenpeace, the famous Mars and Snickers, Cadbury, Coca-Cola, Pepsi. From domestic companies took voluntary testing confectionary company "Conti" and only on its icon turns green products "does not contain GMOs."
The Board of MirSovetov. 80% of U.S. exports of GMO, therefore, refrain from the use of products of American companies. Buy on principle - everything that is advertised, it is impossible. Nestle Quick breakfast, nutritious, "Snickers," Danone yogurts, etc. - All manufacturers in the "black list" of Greenpeace.
Well, that determined the triple "leaders." But that's not all. 30% of coffee and tea contain GMOs. Transgenic soybeans successfully used in the production of fast food (McDonald's), condensed milk, ketchup and sauces (Heinz Foods). Fear causes and canned corn (pick Hungarian - there banned GMOs). And of course vegetables.
It is on the fruits and vegetables you want more detail. You buy them on the market for "grandmothers." Excellent. But this does not guarantee the absence of transgenes. It is not known what seeds to buy my grandmother. How to distinguish GM foods? First of all, they practically do not deteriorate and are not interested in insects. So buy the "bitten" potato, which has a variety of sizes. After all, potatoes are an ideal of equal size - is the work of geneticists. All GM vegetables are usually stored for a long time (due to the "bonded" genes) and look just perfect. So, avoid glossy, large tomato, strawberry chic, apples, "as the picture." Nature creates the vegetables are very "beautiful" and not an ideal form. This genetic engineers "produce" vegetables, meet any requirements of buyers. GM products at the cutting did not lose their shape and do not let the juice. This is another indicator. But the buckwheat buy safely, it is not modified. Probably not necessary.

I really do not want readers accused me of bias. Before writing this article, I set a goal to thoroughly explain all of the arguments both for and against GMOs. The first was very small. But, as always, the choice is yours.
Category: My articles | Added by: abcdfg (23.03.2012)
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