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«  October 2024  »
From what you have associated the winter? With a cup of hot coffee, with views of snow from the window of your office and a warm cashmere sweater, which comfortably at home. Today we'll talk about a type of sweater - jersey.

What is a jumper?

In fact, the sweater - a sweater without a goal. For modern man jumper - a real find. In many offices, a sweater under a ban, and various models of jumpers allow you to bring variety to a wardrobe of business people. You can wear a sweater under a jacket or wear it over a shirt - all in the office dress code. Both options will characterize you as a modern man, while you'll feel very comfortable.

What is it, man sweater?

A variety of options pleases. This model with V-neck, beneath which are seen cuffs and collar, and with a round neck sweaters that look respectable, both independently and with a jacket. Color range from light beige to deep chocolate, from light blue to dark blue. If you are a creative per ... Read more »
Views: 217536 | Added by: abcdfg | Date: 22.03.2012 | Comments (10)

Three pairs of dirty dishes on the table unprepared reports, the dust that covers everything - from the TV to your favorite books. You know what this is? Do you think that this is home, abandoned by people in the vulgar century? And here and there, just moved into this house laziness. And, of course, when this nice lady came to us, we begin to ask themselves the same questions. How to deal with laziness? How to deal with laziness? How to beat laziness?

We are confident that you will be able to find a cure for laziness, you just want it badly. Let's begin ...

A. Stop self-pity. As long as you show yourself to the deepest zhalos, overcome laziness would be virtually impossible.

Two. Be resolute in your actions. Laziness "persuade" you can not get out of bed yet 2-5-15-20-40 minutes? Get up strongly. The sooner you do, the easier it will get rid of laziness.

Three. Make a list, write it down on paper. And as soon run out of ideas - start the firs ... Read more »
Views: 84160 | Added by: abcdfg | Date: 22.03.2012 | Comments (13)

All the familiar spectacle of heartbreaking when you once again looks inside your favorite teapot to indulge in some tea and ...

Instead of rejoice the upcoming tea parties, just horrified. All the walls of the "pet" covered with several layers of scale. Many housewives rush for iron-scraper with a brush, but all efforts end with nothing: no scum cleans, even cry.

What is the scale and how to treat it .. drink?

And where does it all appears to scale the walls of the kettle? The most common scale is dissolved magnesium and calcium salts that are deposited on the heating elements of appliances and, of course, in our kettle. Water is considered "hard" if these salts in it a lot.

Chemical composition of scale can be of three types: carbonate scale (carbonates of magnesium and calcium - CaCO3, MgCO3), sulfate scale (CaSO4) and silicate (silicate compounds of calcium, magnesium, iron, aluminum).

Accumulates on the walls Dummies carbonate scal ... Read more »
Views: 57011 | Added by: abcdfg | Date: 22.03.2012 | Comments (7)

The traditional and folk medicine uses the healing properties of herbs that are beneficial for the human body. This category applies to herbs and lemon balm.

Melissa - it ...

Lemon balm, or drug - is a perennial, undemanding plant in the shape of the bush, in height from 20 cm to 80 cm leaves of lemon balm are covered with down, they are soft and pleasant to the touch. Translated from the Greek for "Melissa" means "bee." Aroma, which publishes this plant, a calming effect on bees. Because beekeepers rub the hands of Melissa, the bees do not bite them. This herb has the ability to increased productivity of honey. Melissa called "lemongrass," "lemon mint" because of the smell, "heart herb" because of its soothing properties.

Melissa: application. The combination of lemon balm and other herbs

Melissa officinalis is used for medical purposes as an analgesic, antispasmodic, diuretic, promotes improvement of digestion. Tincture of le ... Read more »
Views: 57195 | Added by: abcdfg | Date: 22.03.2012 | Comments (2)

Help with loss of consciousness. How to give first aid for fainting?

What is fainting? Syncope - a brief loss of consciousness, which is caused by oxygen starvation of the brain.

Causes of syncope. A little history

Any fainting have their reasons. Although signs of fainting and dizziness are similar in appearance, they may be caused by various disorders in the body. Typically, syncope - is an alarming symptom, notifying people that it's time to pay attention to the actual state of health.

Anemia. In the 19th century fainting was not considered something extraordinary, since he was a frequent occurrence in young noble women. Crafty lady fashion prescribed to be thin and pale, with a very valued complexion pale bluish tint. Rosy cheeks, health plays a blush in the girl gave plebeian origin. So ladies from rich families starved himself to death, have been tightened since childhood into tight corsets, prevented brea ... Read more »
Views: 47507 | Added by: abcdfg | Date: 22.03.2012 | Comments (2)

Why kitty scratching post?

We will not argue that pets bring to us the pleasure of communication. Cats, dogs, rabbits are cute and trusting birds - they are real family members who can and remove the stress, and to listen to, if necessary. :)

However, bringing an animal into the house, we must remember that, together with the expected comfort and communication, we have a responsibility for those who have tamed. Today it comes to cats. These cute, funny animals give us joy and affection, and wants to take a kitten on your hands, cuddle, pat. At the same time, these harmless creatures have their vital needs, the owners of animals that produce more headaches. These problems include constantly torn or scratched furniture, wallpaper and other things.

In this cruel world invented various ways to "fight" with the natural needs of animals in the joy of man. These include the blatant manipulation to remove the claws of a terrible name ... Read more »
Views: 5854 | Added by: abcdfg | Date: 22.03.2012 | Comments (0)

Since then, as a man plunged into a ringing in the wind stream waterfall, I felt the refreshing coolness of falling drops on the skin, he began to dream about how to make this an excellent source was always with him. Wherever people went, whatever distant country not visited by the image of the miraculous waterfall remained forever in his memory. The last millennium, before technological advances allow people to realize the dream - to get a charge of vivacity and health right in the "home waterfall."

Is not it wonderful: a real healing waterfall in the bathroom? Want to know what was going on?

Of course, the shower panels. Multi-function, helping to restore power and remove the accumulated daily fatigue, massaging and gladyaschie - all of the "Falls home."

What is the shower panel?

Shower panel - a set of equipment for the shower or bathroom, which is made of aluminum, glass or plastic. This equipment is equipped with special nozzles, a set of ... Read more »
Views: 13242 | Added by: abcdfg | Date: 22.03.2012 | Comments (0)

"All the world is back to square one," as well, and fashion boots. Now it is important to stand out from the gray masses. Be an individual, but also an extraordinary person, as close as possible to the native culture - it's so cool! Especially, if this culture is really beautiful. Today, it goes on a necklace with emeralds, and not even on the chains or earrings. Today we tell you about ... boots.

Yes, you heard right, it's about boots.

Modern boots - what are they?

Our grandfathers and grandmothers wore boots for good reason, because in those winter felt boots was an escape from severe frosts. Here are just a modern boots are somewhat different from those old times. First, they have a sole that prevents sliding and soaking, especially useful with high foot board on the sides. Second, the insole, which can always pull out and dried. Third, current models of boots are easy to form, striking variety of colors and sleek design pleasing to the eye. So yo ... Read more »
Views: 4946 | Added by: abcdfg | Date: 22.03.2012 | Comments (1)

Being a woman is an art - and it, among other things, includes the ability to dress and charm.

Fashionable coat, which gives us the winter 2011 -2012, the, absorbed all the different styles. Designers create beautiful images based on fashion 60's and 90's. Today, in favor of oval silhouette coat (style 60). Go back and 80th, bringing with them a coat with bulky shoulders. Minimalism 90 is shown in the austere, rigorous design and minimal detail.

The colors of the season - gray, light brown, protective. Quite an interesting gift for the brave women will cranberry tone coat.

And you know what color of clothes affects the color of a person? Thus, the crimson coat will make your color more vivid. White - a holiday, but with regular wear a coat will not be washed less frequently than once every 1-2 weeks.

How to choose a coat?

There is no doubt that in the wardrobe of women should be 1-2 leather jacket with fur and at least one elegant coats ... Read more »
Views: 4982 | Added by: abcdfg | Date: 22.03.2012 | Comments (0)

Darling, darling, darling ... Bright, lovely, clean!

It's all about you, spokeswoman for the beautiful half of humanity!

No matter how much you may be years - 5,10 or 50, you're still beautiful. Beautiful feelings, the results of their cases that you give to people around you.


No wonder the woman is always compared with the delicate and naive, lush and gorgeous, mysterious and enigmatic flower ...

On this spring day, March 8 - Flowers, a flower, and Gori, as the lights in the sky is bright and unique star!




Flourish like a flower, and burn like a star

You look beautiful all!

Let goodness and love will be with you always,

And accompanied by the success in life!


On March eighth congratulations rather primitive,

Suppose, as the snow melted all doubt!

Let your desires come true,

And in the eyes of the ... Read more »
Views: 2719 | Added by: abcdfg | Date: 22.03.2012 | Comments (0)

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